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Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

Two is better than One

Let's sing together :
I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought
"Hey, you know, this could be something"
’Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I’m left with nothing
So maybe it’s true
That I can’t live without you
And maybe two is better than one
There’s so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you’ve already got me coming undone
And I’m thinking two is better than one
I remember every look upon your face
The way you roll your eyes
The way you taste
You make it hard for breathing
’Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everything’s okay
I’m finally now believing
That maybe it’s true
That I can’t live without you
And maybe two is better than one
There’s so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you’ve already got me coming undone
And I’m thinking two is better than one
I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought, "Hey,"
Maybe it’s true
That I can’t live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There’s so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you’ve already got me coming undone
And I’m thinking
I can’t live without you
’Cause, baby, two is better than one
There’s so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
But I’ll figure it out
When all is said and done
Two is better than one
Two is better than one

Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

Nyum ..Nyum...

At Solaria Margo City ,ate Chicken Mozarella with Ice tea

Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

Have a good t-i-m-e

 This is My Friend's Icha :) thengkyu dear want to have fun with me,very nice.. 

And we decided to buy yoghurt at JCO

After that we went to eat Chicken Double steak at Waroeng Steak so many uses Pepper hahhaa cause i like spicy :p ,Margonda Depok

Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

My lunch today

sayur asem,kangkung balacan,kerang hijau saus padang,sambel terasi,sambel mangga asam manis

 dan gak lupa nihh jagoannya ayam fillet lada hitam nyummi

yang pake baju biru namanya Iie *best friend* gue,

nah dua orang ini namanya Laras sama Nia mereka juga best friend gue

Lunch bareng mereka rasanya seneng banget,bisa kumpul berempat lagi ..HUUURAAAYY

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

My wish list

Udah ga aneh kayanya kalo cewe suka koleksi sepatu,tas,jam tangan,gelang,kalung..Salah satunya gue, disini gue mau kasih tau barang yang lagi gue pengen banget beli --> Sepatu* ..masalahnya si cuma satu "MONEY" kalo mau beli ya harus saving dulu,rasanya ga bakal tenang ini hati kalo belom punya mereka :
ini salah satu produk baru dari @IwearUP..cute banget kan?
saving..saving...saving MONEY !!!!!

*kalo yang ini dari @Wondershoe ...lucu-lucu ya???? hehheehhe *


 Jalan ke TMII kumpul di sekolahan MAN 7 jakarta,sebelum berangkat foto-foto dulu abis sekolahnya udah banyak kemajuan sih hehhehee
Monkey Icons

Ini di museum keprajuritan,
Sayang ga bisa foto diatas kapalnya,soalnya tangganya udah pada ambruk

Ini dia gaya alay kita LOL Monkey Icon

Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Fairy Berry

My FairyBerry shoes has arrived it so much 

Jumat, 01 Juli 2011


Happy Bithday for my Beloved "Arfan"
Berkah umur,tambah rezki,sehat selalu
Always stay with me 

Swimming pool

Wuhuuuuuu renang di ALADIN waterpark bareng my lovely Nia,seru n nyenengin banget ,udah tempatnya bagus banyak pilihan wahananya kamar mandinya juga oke ga jorok dan gak ketinggalan nonton 3dimensinya ..

*Aladin waterpark at Depok,Jabar*